Soundy has the best music systems that can be configured for your server.
Fully configurable Completely free
Designed completely for your server.
Used by over 100 thousand Discord servers - 24/7
Quick Start
Complete setup for your Discord Server in less than 1 minute!
Step 1
Add to Server
Add Soundy to your server.
Step 2
Use the Command
Get the music system ready by using the /play command.
Step 3
All Ready!
You're all set! Use /help to see all available commands.
Fully configurable Completely free
You should start using Soundy now.
Simply join a Voice Channels and type in /play or /setup create to make playing music easier!
Turn on /247 mode so that bots don't leave on their own without your command!
Highly customizable Discord bot with many FREE features. Adapt it to your server's needs at no cost!
Experience top-notch audio quality for an immersive listening experience with every track.
Join our Discord server for 24/7 Support. We are willing to help at any time if there is a problem!
Our optimized and monitored backend ensures high stability and reliability for users.
Add Soundy to your server now!
Get the best music system for your Discord Server!
Fully configurable Completely free